Friday, September 5, 2008

10 Months

Aren't you the big girl! I was sure you'd wait till you were a year old to walk, but I think you're going to prove me wrong. You can already pull yourself up, and you're starting to think about cruising around furniture.

You've also decided to eat. You eat cheerios and rice cereal and baby food and lots and lots of floor fuzzies. I think you're mostly filling up on floor fuzzies and (sadly) floor crunchies. Good stuff, apparently.

You spend you day revolving around the rest of the family- playing with your sister, fighting with your sister, dinking around on your own for a minute before you notice your Poppy and orbit around him for a while until you notice me or Bubba.

You haven't lost your screech, although no one here would mind if you did. And you've still got plenty of chubbs, although you are thinning out a little. God I love to squeeze the chubbs. They're just so cute.

Your favorite games are "Ba" and "No". "Ba" is a fascinating game where someone, your sister for instance, says "Ba!". It becomes your turn, so you say "Ba!", at which point
(you'll never guess...) it becomes her turn and so on. Hours of fun. You also like to play "No". Not that you know what it means yet, but you love to shake your head "Nononononono" as fast as you can and then grin as we nod slowly and serenely "Yes Yes Yes".

You have figured out that if you pull up on the rim of the toilet you can reach into the sweetest little splashing pool- it's just your size. You can't figure out why I'm forever thwarting your efforts to play there.

You may be my third, but you're as precious as if you were my only,